C -*- mode: asm; asm-comment-char: ?C; -*- C nettle, low-level cryptographics library C C Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008 Rafael R. Sevilla, Niels M�ller C C The nettle library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify C it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by C the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your C option) any later version. C C The nettle library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but C WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY C or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public C License for more details. C C You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License C along with the nettle library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to C the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, C MA 02111-1307, USA. C Use same macros as for plain x86. FIXME: AES_SUBST_BYTE uses C hardcoded registers. include_src(<x86/aes.m4>) C Register usage: C AES state, use two of them define(<SA>,<%eax>) define(<SB>,<%ebx>) define(<SC>,<%ebp>) define(<SD>,<%r9d>) define(<TA>,<%r10d>) define(<TB>,<%r11d>) define(<TC>,<%r12d>) define(<TD>,<%r13d>) define(<CTX>, <%rdi>) define(<TABLE>, <%rsi>) define(<LENGTH>,<%edx>) C Length is only 32 bits define(<DST>, <%rcx>) define(<SRC>, <%r8>) define(<KEY>,<%r14>) define(<COUNT>, <%r15d>) C Put the outer loop counter on the stack, and reuse the LENGTH C register as a temporary. define(<FRAME_COUNT>, <(%esp)>) define(<TMP>,<%edx>) define(<TMPPTR>,<%rdx>) .file "aes-encrypt-internal.asm" C _aes_encrypt(struct aes_context *ctx, C const struct aes_table *T, C unsigned length, uint8_t *dst, C uint8_t *src) .text ALIGN(4) PROLOGUE(_nettle_aes_encrypt) test LENGTH, LENGTH jz .Lend C save all registers that need to be saved push %rbx push %rbp push %r12 push %r13 push %r14 push %r15 C Allocates 4 bytes more than we need, for nicer alignment. sub $8, %rsp shrl $4, LENGTH movl LENGTH, FRAME_COUNT .Lblock_loop: movl CTX,KEY AES_LOAD(SA, SB, SC, SD, SRC, KEY) addl $16, SRC C Increment src pointer C get number of rounds to do from ctx struct movl AES_NROUNDS (CTX), COUNT shrl $1, COUNT subl $1, COUNT addl $16,KEY C point to next key ALIGN(4) .Lround_loop: AES_ROUND(TABLE, SA,SB,SC,SD, TA, TMPPTR) xorl (KEY), TA AES_ROUND(TABLE, SB,SC,SD,SA, TB, TMPPTR) xorl 4(KEY),TB AES_ROUND(TABLE, SC,SD,SA,SB, TC, TMPPTR) xorl 8(KEY),TC AES_ROUND(TABLE, SD,SA,SB,SC, TD, TMPPTR) xorl 12(KEY),TD AES_ROUND(TABLE, TA,TB,TC,TD, SA, TMPPTR) xorl 16(KEY), SA AES_ROUND(TABLE, TB,TC,TD,TA, SB, TMPPTR) xorl 20(KEY),SB AES_ROUND(TABLE, TC,TD,TA,TB, SC, TMPPTR) xorl 24(KEY),SC AES_ROUND(TABLE, TD,TA,TB,TC, SD, TMPPTR) xorl 28(KEY),SD addl $32,KEY C point to next key decl COUNT jnz .Lround_loop C last round AES_FINAL_ROUND(SA,SB,SC,SD, TABLE, TA, TMP) AES_FINAL_ROUND(SB,SC,SD,SA, TABLE, TB, TMP) AES_FINAL_ROUND(SC,SD,SA,SB, TABLE, TC, TMP) AES_FINAL_ROUND(SD,SA,SB,SC, TABLE, TD, TMP) C S-box substitution mov $3, COUNT .Lsubst: AES_SUBST_BYTE(TA,TB,TC,TD, TABLE, TMPPTR) decl COUNT jnz .Lsubst C Add last subkey, and store encrypted data AES_STORE(TA,TB,TC,TD, KEY, DST) addl $16, DST decl FRAME_COUNT jnz .Lblock_loop add $8, %rsp pop %r15 pop %r14 pop %r13 pop %r12 pop %rbp pop %rbx .Lend: ret EPILOGUE(_nettle_aes_encrypt)