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  • Per Cederqvist's avatar
    Moved some constants from isc.h and changed their values: · 0d171696
    Per Cederqvist authored
        ISC_DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE:   2048 => 8176
        ISC_DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUED_SIZE: 600 => 50
        ISC_DEFAULT_MAX_DEQUEUE_LEN:  10 => 30
        ISC_DEFAULT_MAX_BACKLOG:       5 => 50
    Moved some structs from isc.h and stopped using a defined name:
    (struct isc_msg): Was: IscMessage.
    (struct isc_msg_q_entry): Was: IscMsgQE.
    (struct isc_msgqueue): Was: IscMsgQueue.
    (struct isc_session_cfg): Was: IscSessionConfig.
    (struct isc_scb_entry): Was: IscSessionList.
    Moved some functions from isc.h:
    (isc_freemsg): Moved.
    (isc_create): Moved.
    (isc_insert): Moved.
    (isc_remove): Moved.
    (isc_createtcp): Moved.
    (isc_bindtcp): Moved.
    (isc_allocmsg): Moved.
    Moved some functions to isc.h:
    (isc_setallocfn): Moved.
    Other changes:
    (struct isc_msg): Removed the address field.
    (struct isc_session_cfg): Removed the version field.
    (isc_log): Function removed.
    (isc_create): Removed the "IscHandler *fun" argument, and added
    	mcb and initial_state arguments.
    (isc_createtcp): Added mcb and initial_state arguments.
    (isc_strdup): Function removed.
    (isc_default_read_fn): Function removed.
    (isc_default_write_fn): Function removed.
    (isc_default_close_fn): Function removed.
    (isc_pollqueue): Removed the external function.  Retain the macro.
    (isc_setabortfn): Place inside #if 0, since it is currently unused.
    (isc_check_read_callback): New function.
    (isc_cancel_read_callback): New function.
    (isc_cancel_write_callback): New function.
    (ISC_SCALLFUN1): Macro removed.
    (ISC_SCALLFUN2): Macro removed.
    (ISC_SCALLFUN3): Macro removed.