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  • Per Cederqvist's avatar
    Removed several defines for structs and unions. All users updated to · efadcbe2
    Per Cederqvist authored
    use the real names instead:
        IscSessionConfig  => struct isc_session_cfg
        IscAddress        => union  isc_address
        IscMessage        => struct isc_msg
        IscMsgQE          => struct isc_msg_q_entry
        IscMsgQueue       => struct isc_msgqueue
        IscSession        => struct isc_scb
        IscSessionList    => struct isc_scb_entry
        IscMaster         => struct isc_mcb
    (IscMasterConfig): Define and struct removed.
    (IscConfig): Ditto.
    (IscHandlerCache): Ditto
    (IscHandler): Ditto.
    (IscHandlerList): Ditto.
    (IscEvent): Ditto.
    (IscEventType): Define and enum removed.
    (IscSessionType): Ditto.
    (IscSessionInfo): Define and union removed.
    (IscSessionStats): Ditto.
    (enum isc_session_state): Removed the states ISC_STATE_UNKNOWN,
    (union isc_address): Don't wrap the saddr field inside a
    	meaningless struct named ip.
    (isc_initialize): Removed the cfg argument, and added the
    	oop_source argument.
    (struct isc_scb): Removed the following fields: type, isc_errno,
    	rd_msg_q, info, logintime, idlesince, stats and handlers.
    	Added the following fields: raddr, laddr, master, accept_cb,
    	write_err_cb, data_available_callback, data_available_user,
    	data_available_registered and write_cb_registered.
    (struct isc_mcb): The scfg field is now a pointer, so that we
    	don't have to expose the struct isc_session_cfg struct in isc.h.
    	Added the event_source field.
    (isc_listentcp): Added the cb argument.
    (isc_openfd): Function removed.
    (isc_openfile): Ditto.
    (isc_openudp): Ditto.
    (isc_close): Ditto.
    (isc_sessions): Ditto.
    (isc_getnextevent): Ditto.
    (isc_wait): Ditto.
    (isc_dispose): Ditto.
    (isc_send): Ditto.
    (isc_sendto): Ditto.
    (isc_reallocmsg): Ditto.
    (isc_copymsg): Ditto.
    (isc_mkstrmsg): Ditto.
    (isc_createudp): Ditto.
    (isc_bindudp): Ditto.
    (isc_connecttcp): Ditto.
    (isc_connectudp): Ditto.
    (isc_listenudp): Ditto.
    (isc_copyaddress): Ditto.
    (isc_getservice): Ditto.
    (isc_newhandler): Ditto.
    (isc_freehandler): Ditto.
    (isc_copyhandler): Ditto.
    (isc_pushhandler): Ditto.
    (isc_pophandler): Ditto.
    (ISC_HCALLFUN1): Macro removed.
    (ISC_HCALLFUN2): Ditto.
    (ISC_HCALLFUN3): Ditto.
    (enum isc_read_result): New enum.
    (isc_read_data): New function.
    (isc_cfg_fd_relocate): Ditto.
    (isc_set_read_callback): Ditto.
    (isc_accept_callback): New callback function.
    (isc_write_error_cb): Ditto
    Moved some constants to intern.h:
    Moved some structs to intern.h:
    (struct isc_msg): Was: IscMessage.
    (struct isc_msg_q_entry): Was: IscMsgQE.
    (struct isc_msgqueue): Was: IscMsgQueue.
    (struct isc_session_cfg): Was: IscSessionConfig.
    (struct isc_scb_entry): Was: IscSessionList.
    Moved some functions to intern.h:
    (isc_freemsg): Moved.
    (isc_create): Moved.
    (isc_insert): Moved.
    (isc_remove): Moved.
    (isc_createtcp): Moved.
    (isc_bindtcp): Moved.
    (isc_allocmsg): Moved.
    Moved some functions from intern.h:
    (isc_setallocfn): Moved.