(Hey, Emacs, this is a -*- Indented-text -*- file!) * ansi-include/ Directory containing ANSI-fied header files for the standard libraries. * ChangeLog Log file where the progressing work and changes are sporadically documented. You are encouraged to add an entry in this file whenever you change something in this directory. * client/ Directory containing a TTY-based client for LysKOM, very similar to the original KOM program from QZ. * config.h Configuration parameters for compiling. Contains among other things all the stupid limits you really want to be without, all the smart limits that has to be there to make it impossible to crash the server, and lots of constants and configuration options. * debug.h Some #defines for debugging purposes. * doc/ Documentation of LysKOM; both internal and external. Also some random thoughts members of the development team wanted to write down during development. * FileList This file, describing all the files. * kom-errno.c Defines the variable 'kom_errno' and the function 'kom_perror()'. Used for error handling in LysKOM. * kom-errno.h Defines the type 'Kom_err' and declares the variable 'kom_errno'. The server sets the value of 'kom_errno' when an error occurs. The function 'kom_perror()' is declared. * kom-types.h Declares the types used by LysKOM. Here are the types that are common to both the server and the client. Types that look different to the server and the client, are found in 'server/server-types.h' and 'client/client-types.h' respectively. * ldb/ Directory containing the low-level database routines for the LysKOM server. 'ldb' stands for Lyskom DataBase. * List-Files Shell script to list the files in this directory not documented in the file 'FileList' (the one you are reading now). * Mailinglist List of mail addresses of people who want to be informed of the progress of LysKOM. * Makefile Exactly what the name says. * misc-types.h Miscellaneous types and constants that are useful in many places in LysKOM, but are not very LysKOM-specific. * s-collat-tables.c Collating tables used for the 's_usr_strcmp()' and 's_usr_strhead()' functions in 's-string.h' * s-collat-tables.h Header file for 's-collat-tables.c' * s-string.c Routines for manipulating objects of type String as defined in 's-string.h' * s-string.h Header file for 's-string.c' Definies our own string type 'String', and declares the functions in 's-string.c' * server/ Directory containing the LysKOM server, except for the low-level database routines, which for historical reasons are in the separate directory 'ldb/'. * services.h Declares all the services available from the LysKOM server. * Summarize-Headers Since we write our .h files with documentation in line, they tend to get rather long, and it gets somewhat difficult to get a quick overview of what functions are declared in the file. This script cuts out all the "unnecessary" information: all comments and all preprocessor lines (starting with #). * TAGS Tags table for use with Emacs. * Template Template for automatically generating 'Makefile'. 'Makefile' is updated with the command 'make depend'. This should be given whenever a change to 'Template' is done, or any new files are added, or any dependecies are changed. Dependencies for normal C files are generated automatically by this. If 'Makefile' should become garbled, copy 'Template' to 'Makefile' and do a 'make depend'. * test-services/ Directory containing programs to test parts of the server. Used by ceder, and should not be distributed.