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  • Niels Möller's avatar
    * src/server_userauth.c (userauth_handler): New attributes · 305a709a
    Niels Möller authored
    service_e and auth_e. WE use different exception handlers when
    invoking the AUTHENTICATE method and when invoking the service.
    (do_userauth_continuation): Simplified this continuation. It is
    passed a user, and returns the connection.
    (do_handle_userauth): When a service is eventually invoked, it is
    passed a single argument: the connection. Previously, the user
    object was passed as argument to the service.
    (do_userauth): Clear the user attribute of the connection, and
    display a warning message if the connection was already
    (do_userauth): Don't call make_userauth_continuation() here.
    Rev: src/server_userauth.c:1.27
    Rev: src/server_userauth.h:1.12