NEWS for the 1.6 release Optimized Assembler implementations of aes, for sparc and x86. New example programs, rsa-keygen, rsa-sign and rsa-verify, located in the examples directory. New configure option --enable-shared, which builds a shared library. Not tested. New experimental features, including sexp parsing and formatting, and changes to base64 encoding and decoding. The interfaces to these functions are subject to change, and are documented only in the source code. NEWS for the 1.5 release RSA support. Key generation and signatures. Support for HMAC (RFC-2104). An implementation of the Yarrow-256 PRNG. New sections in the manual. Changed the interface for hash functions. The md5_digest function is now equivalent to the old sequence of md5_final, md5_digest, md5_init, and similarly for the other hashing algorithms. This makes the interface simpler. NEWS for the 1.0 release Fixed twofish bug spotted by Jean-Pierre Stierlin. Added des3 and cbc. New RFC-1321-like interface in nettle/md5-compat.h, suggested by Assar Westerlund. New libdes-style compatibility interface in nettle/des-compat.h.