diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 47a7a58663a194d9162caa7db12cd13d20e54390..4fea4587cd4dd463dc3ecdd381e17dd40e642d07 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+2014-01-24  Sebastian Thorarensen  <sebth@lysator.liu.se>
+	Updated the config for Lysator.
+	* fetch-backup-work: Replace celsius with thestral and correct
+        the ftp-pub backup.
 2014-01-22  Sebastian Thorarensen  <sebth@lysator.liu.se>
 	Updated the config for Lysator.
 	* fetch-backup-work: bacon is now used instead of stalhein for
         fetching auto_home. ftp mirror exclude list is now up to date.
diff --git a/fetch-backup-work b/fetch-backup-work
index 3c2651e88098ada77f2d0ca5d2871e73a7938b63..3cecb0ebcfcb345f05a7aeda87f6805036a797a3 100755
--- a/fetch-backup-work
+++ b/fetch-backup-work
@@ -78,21 +78,34 @@ ssh poseidon 'cd /var/repositories && ls -1 | while read d ; do [ -d "$d" ] && [
 | awk '{ print "lyssvn", $1, "poseidon", "/var/repositories/" $1 }' \
 | sort >> $NT
-echo celsius root celsius / >> $NT
-echo celsius var celsius /var >> $NT
-ssh ftp 'bash -c "cd /export/ftp/pub && ls -1 | while read d ; do [ -d "\$d" ] && [ ! -L "\$d" ] && echo "\$d" ; done"' \
-| awk '$1 == "FreeBSD" { next }
+echo thestral root thestral / >> $NT
+echo thestral opt thestral /opt >> $NT
+echo thestral usr thestral /usr >> $NT
+echo thestral usr-local thestral /usr/local >> $NT
+echo thestral var thestral /var >> $NT
+# The root shell on thestral/ftp is csh, which won't allow escaping
+# of double quotes. Therefore we need _single_ quote around the
+# argument to sh -c.
+ssh thestral "sh -c 'cd /home && ls -1 | while read d ; do [ -d \"\$d\" ] && [ ! -L \"\$d\" ] && echo \$d ; done'" \
+| awk '{ print "thestral-home", $1, "thestral", "/home/" $1 }' \
+| sort >> $NT
+ssh ftp "sh -c 'df | cut -wf6 | grep ^/export/ftp/pub/ | sed \"s|^/export/ftp/pub/||\" | while read d ; do echo \$d \`echo \$d | tr / \|\` ; done'" \
+| awk '$1 == "CentOS" { next }
+       $1 == "FreeBSD" { next }
+       $1 == "OpenBSD" { next }
+       $1 == "archlinux" { next }
        $1 == "debian" { next }
-       $1 == "ubuntu" { next }
-       $1 == "CentOS" { next }
-       $1 == "centos" { next }
-       $1 == "debian-cd" { next }
        $1 == "debian-backports" { next }
+       $1 == "debian-cd" { next }
        $1 == "debian-security" { next }
+       $1 == "epel" { next }
+       $1 == "fedora" { next }
+       $1 == "manjaro" { next }
+       $1 == "monitoring-plugins" { next }
+       $1 == "ubuntu" { next }
        $1 == "ubuntu-dvd" { next }
        $1 == "ubuntu-releases" { next }
-       $1 == "archlinux" { next }
-       { print "ftp-pub", $1, "ftp", "/export/ftp/pub/" $1 }' \
+       { print "ftp-pub", $2, "ftp", "/export/ftp/pub/" $1 }' \
 | sort >> $NT
 #ssh ftp 'bash -c "cd /export/ftp/home && ls -1 | while read d ; do [ -d "\$d" ] && [ ! -L "\$d" ] && echo "\$d" ; done"' \
 #| awk  '{ print "ftp-home", $1, "ftp", "/export/ftp/home/" $1 }' \