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  • David Byers's avatar
    Various · d8d96007
    David Byers authored
    Detailed changes:
    > 2007-06-10    <David Byers@GULAG>
    > 	Better display of texts claiming to be us-ascii:
    > 	* mime.el (lyskom-mime-decode-content-type): Pretend us-ascii
    > 	texts are really latin-1.
    > 	Fix bug 819:
    > 	* completing-read.el (lyskom-read-conf-internal): When an exact
    > 	match is found, return t only if the input string is equal to the
    > 	only alternative.
    > 	Fix bug 1277:
    > 	* swedish-strings.el (coding-system-mismatch-warning): Added
    > 	reference to Emacs manual.
    > 	* utilities.el (lyskom-check-configuration): Don't warn about
    > 	coding system if UTF-8 is supported.
    > 	* lyskom-buttons.el (lyskom-make-button-menu): Encode menu strings
    > 	properly.
    < 	* language.el (lyskom-language-keymap-internal): Let Emacs 22.1
    < 	follow links with mouse-1.
    > 	Prefer UTF-8 over all but latin-1:
    > 	* mime.el (lyskom-charset-alist): Never choose us-ascii. When
    > 	us-ascii text is detected, assume latin-1 instead. For some
    > 	reason, us-ascii is detected on some emacsen even when this is not
    > 	the case. A more powerful charset would perhaps be a better
    > 	choice, but chances are if charset detection is broken, then what
    > 	are the chances that e.g. unicode conversion works?
    > 	(lyskom-charset-alist): Include utf-8 early in the list, making it
    > 	the preferred charset (when it works).
    > 	Follow links with mouse-1 in Emacs 22.1:
    > 	* language.el (lyskom-language-keymap-internal): Bind follow-links
    > 	in the global LysKOM keymaps.
    > 	Fix various naming issues:
    < eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "british")
    < eval: (if (boundp 'set-language-environment) (set-language-environment 'Latin-1))
    > ispell-local-dictionary: "british"
    > coding: iso-8859-1
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