From dccf4b3c2ddf29003613783fc8820d983665f36e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Henrik=20Grubbstr=C3=B6m=20=28Grubba=29?=
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 22:03:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Man-page for pike(1).

Rev: man/pike.1:1.1
 .gitattributes |   1 +
 man/pike.1     | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 218 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 man/pike.1

diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 57021de519..81e90daef2 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ testfont binary
 /lib/modules/Sql.pmod/sql_result.pike foreign_ident
 /lib/modules/Standards.pmod/ASN1.pmod/decode.pike foreign_ident
 /lib/modules/error.pmod foreign_ident
+/man/pike.1 foreign_ident
 /src/ foreign_ident
 /src/acconfig.h foreign_ident
 /src/alloca.c foreign_ident
diff --git a/man/pike.1 b/man/pike.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b34532d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pike.1
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+.\" $Id: pike.1,v 1.1 1998/05/12 20:03:16 grubba Exp $
+.TH pike 1 "11 May 1998" Pike "Pike Manual"
+.ds ]L $Id: pike.1,v 1.1 1998/05/12 20:03:16 grubba Exp $
+pike \- pike compiler and interpreter
+.B pike
+.B -driver options
+] [
+.IR script
+.B script arguments
+] ]
+Compiler and interpreter for the Pike programming language.
+The following options are supported by the loader:
+.B \-a
+Increase the debug level of the peep-hole optimizer with 1 (debug).
+.BI \-a num
+Set the debug level of the peep-hole optimizer to
+.I num
+.BI \-D symbol
+Define the preprocessor symbol
+.I symbol
+to 1.
+.BI \-D symbol=value
+Define the preprocessor symbol
+.I symbol
+.I value.
+.B \-d
+Increase the debug level with 1 (debug).
+.BI \-d num
+Set the debug level to
+.I num
+.B \-dc
+Increase the debug level of the Pike compiler (debug).
+.B \-ds
+Debug signals (debug).
+.B \-dt
+Turn off tail recursion optimization (debug).
+.B \-l
+Increase the debug level of the global optimizer with 1 (debug).
+.BI \-l num
+Set the debug level of the global optimizer to
+.I num
+.BI \-m master_program
+.I master_program
+instead of the ordinary master program.
+.BI \-q num
+End execution after executing
+.I num
+Pike instructions.
+.BI \-s num
+Set Pike stack size to
+.I num
+(minimum is 256).
+.B \-t
+Increase the level of runtime trace with 1 (debug).
+.BI \-t num
+Set the level of runtime trace to
+.I num
+.B \-p
+Increase the level of profiling with 1 (debug).
+.BI \-p num
+Set the level of profiling to
+.I num
+The following options are supported by the default master program:
+.B \-h, \-\-help,
+Print help message and exit.
+.BI \-e expr, \-\-execute =expr
+.I expr
+and exit.
+.B \-E, \-\-preprocess
+Just run the preprocessor.
+.BI \-I dir, \-\-include\-path =dir
+.I dir
+to the include path.
+.BI \-M dir, \-\-modue\-path =dir
+.I dir
+to the module path.
+.BI \-P dir, \-\-program\-path =dir
+.I dir
+to the program path.
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Print version of Pike and exit.
+.B \-w, \-\-warnings
+Enable warnings.
+.B \-\-compiler\-trace
+Turn on tracing of the Pike compiler (debug).
+.B \-\-debug
+Increase or set the debug level (debug).
+.B \-\-show\-paths
+Show the paths pike will use and exit (debug).
+.B \-\-trace
+Increase or set the trace level (debug).
+The following operand is supported:
+.I script
+A path to a script written in Pike to be compiled and then executed.
+Everything on the commandline after the script is passed as arguments
+to the script.
+If no script is specified, pike will start in interactive- (Hilfe) mode.
+On NT, Pike is affected by the following keys in the registry:
+.B HKEY_CURRENT_USER\eSoftware\eIdonex\ePike\e0.6\ePIKE_MASTER
+.B HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\eSoftware\eIdonex\ePike\e0.6\ePIKE_MASTER
+Specifies the name of the master program (overridden by
+.BI -m master_program
+Pike is affected by the following environment variables:
+Specifies the name of the master program (overridden by
+.BI -mmaster_program
+Depending on operating system Pike may be affected by the following
+environment variables:
+Overrides the other LC_* variables.
+Specifies the character collation sequence.
+Specifies the character classification.
+Specifies the language of the system messagedatabase.
+Specifies the decimal and thousand delimiters.
+Specifies the date and time formats.
+The default master program is affected by the following environment variables:
+List of directories separated with colon (:), to search for include-files.
+List of directories separated with colon (:), to search for program-files.
+List of directories separated with colon (:), to search for modules.
+Note that the above environment variables have effect before the default
+master program attempts to load the
+.BR Getopt (3P)
+module, which occurrs before the master program arguments are parsed.
+The following exit values are returned:
+.B 0
+Successfull completion.
+.B >0
+An error occurred. See output on stderr (fd #2) for reason.
+.BR hilfe (1),
+.BR Getopt (3P),
+.BR environ (5)
+.I Pike Programming Tutorial