#!/usr/local/bin/pike // Copyright � 2000, Roxen IS. // By Martin Nilsson and Andreas Lange // // $Id: extract.pike,v 1.8 2000/11/27 10:28:07 nilsson Exp $ // // The arguments given to the program mapping args = ([]); // All the files to gather strings from array(string) files = ({}); // All ids used, id:mapping(info) mapping ids = ([]); // Reversed id mapping, text:id mapping(string:string|int) r_ids = ([]); // Order of the ids in the xml outdata file array(string|int) id_xml_order = ({}); // Code to add to xml outfile, id:code mapping(string:string) add = ([]); // List of ids already in the xml outfile multiset(string) added = (<>); // The highest int with all lower ids set; see make_id() int high_int_id = 0; int make_id() { // Returns the next unused unique id while ( has_value(id_xml_order, ++high_int_id) ); return high_int_id; } string get_first_string(string in) { // Merges parts, compiles and returns the first string in a line from cpp // ie '"a\\n" "b: " "%s!", string' --> "a\nb: %s!" string ret = ""; int instr = 0; for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(in); i++) { if(in[i]=='\"') if(!(i>0 && in[i-1]=='\\')) { instr= instr? 0 : 1; if(instr) i++; } if(instr) ret+=in[i..i]; else if(in[i]==',') break; } return compile_string("constant q=#\""+ret+"\";")->q; } string quotemeta(string in) { // Takes a string from cpp and quotes it so it will be // regexp-safe and match the string in the source-file string ret = ""; int instr = 0; for(int i = 0; i<sizeof(in); i++) { switch (in[i]) { case '\"': if(!(i>0 && in[i-1]=='\\')) { instr = instr? 0 : 1; if(instr && i>0) ret += ".*"; } ret += "\""; break; case '\\': if((i+1)<sizeof(in) && in[i+1]=='n') { if(instr) { ret += "[\n|\\\\]n*"; // Must handle both "\\n" and '\n' i++; } break; } case '.': case '+': case '*': case '^': case '(': case ')': case '$': case '[': case ']': case '|': if(instr) ret += "\\"; default: if(instr) ret += in[i..i]; } } return ret; } function get_encoder(string encoding) { // If needed, returns a function which encodes a string if(!encoding || encoding=="") return 0; switch( lower_case(encoding) ) { case "utf-8": case "utf8": return lambda(string s) { return string_to_utf8(s); }; case "utf-16": case "utf16": case "unicode": return lambda(string s) { return string_to_unicode(s); }; default: object enc; if(catch( enc = Locale.Charset.encoder( encoding ) )) { werror("\n* Error: Unknown encoding %O!\n", encoding); exit(1); } return lambda(string s) { return enc->clear()->feed(s)->drain(); }; } } function get_decoder(string encoding) { // If needed, returns a function which decodes a string if(!encoding || encoding=="") return 0; switch( lower_case(encoding) ) { case "iso-8859-1": // The normal, no decode needed return 0; case "utf-8": case "utf8": return lambda(string s) { return utf8_to_string(s); }; case "utf-16": case "utf16": case "unicode": return lambda(string s) { return unicode_to_string(s); }; default: object dec; if(catch( dec = Locale.Charset.decoder( encoding ) )) { werror("\n* Error: Unknown encoding %O!\n", encoding); exit(1); } return lambda(string s) { return dec->clear()->feed(s)->drain(); }; } } array(mapping) languagefiles(string searchpath, void|string skiplang) { // Based on the searchpath, returns list of files - skiplang-file string pattern = replace(searchpath, "%%", "%"); string dirbase = (pattern/"%L")[0]; if(dirbase[-1]!='/') { array split = dirbase/"/"; dirbase = split[..sizeof(split)-2]*"/"+"/"; } string s_patt; if(search(pattern, "/", sizeof(dirbase))==-1) s_patt=pattern[sizeof(dirbase)..]; else s_patt=pattern[sizeof(dirbase)..search(pattern, "/", sizeof(dirbase))-1]; s_patt = replace(s_patt, "%L", "%3s"); array dirlist = get_dir(dirbase); if(!dirlist) return ({}); array list = ({}); foreach(dirlist, string path) { string lang; if(!sscanf(path, s_patt, lang)) continue; if(lang==skiplang) continue; string file = replace(pattern, "%L", lang); if(!file_stat(file)) continue; list += ({ (["name":file, "lang":lang]) }); } return list; } mapping parse_xml_file(string filename, string language) { // Reads a language-xml (like project_eng.xml) // Marks used ids in ids([]), also adds r_ids([text]) // Returns mapping, // 'encoding' = file encoding, // 'data'= file with markers instead of <str>-blocks // write_xml_file uses the returned data+id_xml_order to build a new one added = (<>); id_xml_order = ({}); if(!filename || filename=="") return ([]); Stdio.File in=Stdio.FILE(); if(!in->open(filename, "r")) return ([]); write("Reading %s%s", language ? "["+language+"] " : "", (filename/"/")[-1]); string line = in->gets(); string indata = in->read(); in->close(); if(!indata) { write("\n"); return ([]); } // Check encoding string encoding; if(!line) line = indata; sscanf(line, "%*sencoding=\"%s\"", encoding); if(encoding && encoding!="") { function decode = get_decoder(encoding); if(decode && catch( indata = decode(indata) )) { werror("\n* Error: unable to decode from %O in %O\n", encoding, filename); exit(1); } } else if(line!=indata) indata += line+"\n"+indata; write(" - parsing xml..."); // Parse... First the <str>-parser mapping current = ([]); Parser.HTML str_parser = Parser.HTML(); str_parser->case_insensitive_tag(1); str_parser-> add_tag("changed", lambda(object foo, mapping m) { current->changetag = str_parser->current()+"\n"; return 0; }); function t_container = lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if((int)m->id) m->id = (int)m->id; if(!current->id) { if(!m->id || m->id=="") { werror("\n* Warning: String %O has no id.", c||current->original); return 0; } current->id = m->id; } if(m->id && (m->id != current->id)) { werror("\n* Warning: Ignoring string %O. " "Contained in id %O but marked with id %O.", c, current->id, m->id); return 0; } if(has_value(id_xml_order, current->id)) { werror("\n* Error: Id %O used more than once.\n", current->id); exit(1); } id_xml_order += ({ current->id }); c = replace(c, ({"<",">","&"}), ({"<",">","&"})); current->text = c; current->textargs = m-({"id"}); return 0; }; str_parser->add_containers( ([ "t" : t_container, "translate" : t_container ]) ); function o_container = lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(String.trim_whites(c)!="") { // Replace encoded entities c = replace(c, ({"<",">","&"}), ({"<",">","&"})); current->original = c; current->originalargs = m-({"id"}); } return 0; }; str_parser->add_containers( ([ "o" : o_container, "original" : o_container ]) ); // Main xml file parser // "\b" is used as a marker for lines to remove from returned data Parser.HTML xml_parser = Parser.HTML(); xml_parser->case_insensitive_tag(1); xml_parser->add_quote_tag("!--", lambda() {return 0;}, "--"); xml_parser-> add_container("str", lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { current = ([]); // New <str>, clear slate if(m->id && m->id!="") { if((int)m->id) m->id = (int)m->id; current->id = m->id; } str_parser->feed( c )->finish(); if(current->id) { ids[current->id] = current; if(String.trim_whites(current->original)!="") r_ids[current->original] = current->id; } if(has_value(id_xml_order, current->id)) // Return marker for write_xml_file() // - where to re-insert <str> again. // This is done to make sure the file // really is updated. return "\7\7\7\7"; // Should be unique enough return "\b"; }); xml_parser-> add_tag("locale", // Verify the <locale>-xml version lambda(object foo, mapping m) { array n = m->version/"."; if(n[0]!="1") { werror("\n* Unknown locale version %O!\n", m->version); exit(1); } return "\b"; }); xml_parser-> add_container("project", // Verify that the file is for the this project lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { c = String.trim_whites(c); if(args->project && args->project!=c) { werror("\n* xml data is for project %O, not %O!\n", c, args->project); exit(1); } else args->project = c; return "\b"; }); xml_parser->add_tag("added", // Make sure <add>-tags don't get added more than once lambda(object foo, mapping m) { m_delete(add, m->id); added[m->id] = 1; return "\b"; }); // These tags will always be rewritten anyway, so remove them. xml_parser->add_quote_tag("?xml", "\b", "?"); xml_parser->add_containers( (["file" : "\b", "dumped" : "\b", "language" : "\b"]) ); xml_parser->feed(indata)->finish(); // Remove markers and lines from removed tags string ret = ""; object RE = Regexp("^[\b \t\n]+$"); foreach(xml_parser->read()/"\n", string line) { if(!RE->match(line)) ret += line+"\n"; } // Remove silly lines in end of data RE = Regexp("^(.*[^\n \t]\n)[ \n\t]*$"); array hits = RE->split( ret ); if(hits) ret = hits[0]; ret = replace(ret, "\n\n\n\n", "\n\n"); write("\n"); return ([ "encoding":encoding, "data":ret ]); } void write_xml_file(string filename, string language, string encoding, string outdata, void|mapping old_ids) // Updates/creates a language xml-file with id:text-info // Reuses a present structure if fead with it in outdata // Some headers are always rewritten. // The old_ids mapping is supplied when the file is updated in comparison // with a base xml file. { if(!sizeof(id_xml_order)) // No ids changed or read with parse_xml_file() return; Stdio.File out=Stdio.File(); if(!out->open(filename, "cw")) { werror("* Error: Could not open %s for writing\n", filename); exit(1); } write("Writing %s%s... (%d ids) ", language ? "["+language+"] " : "", (filename/"/")[-1], sizeof(id_xml_order)); // Dump some headers string newfile = ""; newfile += "<locale version=\"1.0\"/>\n"; newfile += "<project>"+args->project+"</project>\n"; newfile += "<language>" + #ifdef constant(Standards.ISO639_2) Standards.ISO639_2.get_language(language) || #endif language + "</language>\n"; if(!args->notime) newfile += "<dumped>"+time()+"</dumped>\n"; // List files included in the project foreach(sort(files), string inname) newfile += "<file>"+inname+"</file>\n"; // List blocks added from the config foreach(sort(indices(added)+indices(add)), string blockname) newfile += "<added id=\""+blockname+"\"/>\n"; string o_tag = "o"; string t_tag = "t"; if(args->verbose) { o_tag = "original"; t_tag = "translate"; } mapping stats = ([]); function gen_tag = lambda(mixed id) { stats->written++; string diff = ((old_ids && old_ids[id] && old_ids[id]->changetag) ? old_ids[id]->changetag : ""); if(old_ids) { if(diff!="") stats->changed++; else if(!old_ids[id] || !old_ids[id]->text || String.trim_whites(old_ids[id]->text)=="" ) { diff = "<new/>\n"; stats->new++; } else if(old_ids[id] && old_ids[id]->original != ids[id]->original) { diff = replace(old_ids[id]->original||"", ({"<",">","&"}), ({"<",">","&"})); diff = "<changed from=\""+ diff +"\"/>\n"; stats->changed++; } else stats->ok++; } // Make parser-safe string original = replace(ids[id]->original, ({"<",">","&"}), ({"<",">","&"})); string text = replace( ( (old_ids && old_ids[id] && old_ids[id]->text) ? old_ids[id]->text : ""), ({"<",">","&"}),({"<",">","&"})); return sprintf("<str id=\"%s\">\n" "%s<%s>%s</%[2]s>\n" "<%s>%s</%[4]s>\n" "</str>", (string)id, diff, o_tag, original, t_tag, text); }; // Reuse structure of old xml int i = 0; if(outdata) { string marker = "\7\7\7\7"; // Marker from parse_xml_file() string newstr; while( int n=search(outdata, marker) ) { if(n<0) break; if(i==sizeof(id_xml_order)) { // Shrinking file? outdata = replace(outdata, marker, ""); continue; } if(args->wipe && !ids[id_xml_order[i]]->origin) newstr = ""; // Wipe this old string else newstr = gen_tag(id_xml_order[i]); outdata = (outdata[0..n-1] + newstr + outdata[n+sizeof(marker)..sizeof(outdata)-1]); i++; } newfile += outdata; } // Dump new strings for(; i<sizeof(id_xml_order); i++) { if(!(args->wipe && !ids[id_xml_order[i]]->origin)) newfile += "\n" + gen_tag(id_xml_order[i]) + "\n"; } // If any, add missing <add>-blocks from config foreach(indices(add), string blockname) newfile += "\n"+add[blockname]; // Determine encoding if(!encoding || encoding=="") { int width = String.width( newfile ); if(width==16) encoding = "utf-8"; else if(width==32) encoding = "utf-16"; else encoding = "iso-8859-1"; } function encode = get_encoder( encoding ); if(encode && catch( newfile = encode(newfile) )) { werror("\n* Error: unable to encode file %O in %O\n", filename, args->encoding); exit(1); } newfile = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\""+ encoding +"\"?>\n"+ newfile; out->write( newfile ); out->truncate( out->tell() ); out->close(); // Dump some statistics if(args->wipe && stats->written!=sizeof(id_xml_order)) write("(wiped to %d) ", stats->written); if(old_ids) { if(stats->written==stats->ok) write("all translated"); else { array ret= ({}); if(stats->ok) ret += ({ sprintf("%d translated", stats->ok) }); if(stats->new) ret += ({ sprintf("%d new", stats->new) }); if(stats->changed) ret += ({ sprintf("%d changed", stats->changed) }); write(String.implode_nicely( ret )); } } write("\n"); } array(string) get_tokens(string in, mapping args, string filename) { // Picks out tokens from <locale-token>-tag in pikesource // The order between // blocks and /* */ blocks is not important // for our purposes. string comments = ""; foreach(in/"//", string line) { sscanf(line, "%s\n", line); comments += line+"\n"; } foreach(in/"/\052", string block) { string c = ""; sscanf(block, "%s\052/", c); comments += c+"\n"; } array(string) tokens = ({}); Parser.HTML()-> add_container("locale-token", lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(args->project && m->project!=args->project) return 0; c = String.trim_whites(c); if(has_value(tokens, c)) werror("\n* Warning: Token %O already found\n", c); tokens += ({c}); if (m->project) args->project = m->project; else args->project = ""; return 0; }) ->feed( comments )->finish(); if(!sizeof(tokens)) { if(args->project) werror("\n* Warning: No token for project %O in %s\n", args->project, filename); else werror("\n* Warning: No token found in file %s\n", filename); } return tokens; } void update_pike_sourcefiles(array filelist) { // Extracts strings from pike sourcefiles in filelist // Updates ids, r_ids and id_xml_order with ids and strings // If new ids, updates the sourcefile or a copy foreach(filelist, string filename) { Stdio.File file = Stdio.File(); if(!file->open(filename, "r")) { werror("* Error: Could not open sourcefile %s.\n", filename); exit(1); } write("Reading %s", filename); string indata = file->read(); file->close(); // Get locale tokens, tokenize pike file write(", parsing..."); array tokens = get_tokens(indata, args, filename); if(!sizeof(tokens)) continue; mixed pdata = Parser.Pike.split(indata); pdata = Parser.Pike.tokenize(pdata); pdata = Parser.Pike.hide_whitespaces(pdata); array id_pike_order = ({}); int no_of_ids = 0; string|int id; string fstr, token; for(int i=0; i<sizeof(pdata); i++) { //// Search for tokens foreach(tokens, token) if(token==pdata[i]) break; // Loop tokens if(token!=pdata[i]) continue; // Verify token if(pdata[++i]!="(") continue; // Verify "(" //// Get id id = (string)pdata[++i]; if(id=="\"\"") id = ""; else if((int)id) id = (int)id; else id = get_first_string(id); //// Get string string instr = ""; i++; // Skip "," while( ++i<sizeof(pdata) && pdata[i]!=")" ) instr += (string)pdata[i]; if(instr=="\"\"") fstr = ""; else fstr = get_first_string(instr); if(fstr=="" && id=="") continue; // Neither string nor id, skip! //// Check and store id and string no_of_ids++; if(!id || id=="") { if (r_ids[fstr]) id = r_ids[fstr]; // Re-use old id with identical string else id = make_id(); // New string --> Get new id // New id for string --> file needs update, save info. id_pike_order += ({ ({id, token, quotemeta(instr)}) }); } else { // Verify old id if(!ids[id] || (ids[id] && !ids[id]->origin)) { // Remove preread string in r_ids lookup, might be updated m_delete(r_ids, ids[id]); } else { if(ids[id] && ids[id]->original!=fstr) { werror("\n* Error: inconsistant use of id.\n"); werror(" In file:%{ %s%}\n", ids[id]->origin); werror(" id %O -> string %O\n", id, ids[id]->original); werror(" In file: %s\n", filename); werror(" id %O -> string %O\n", id, fstr); exit(1); } } if(r_ids[fstr] && r_ids[fstr]!=id && ids[r_ids[fstr]]->origin) werror("\n* Warning: %O has id %O in%{ %s%}, id %O in %s", fstr, r_ids[fstr], ids[r_ids[fstr]]->origin, id, filename); } if(!has_value(id_xml_order, id)) // Id not in xml-structure, add to list id_xml_order += ({ id }); if(!ids[id]) ids[id] = ([]); ids[id]->original = fstr; // Store id:text ids[id]->origin += ({filename}); // Add origin if(String.trim_whites(fstr)!="") r_ids[fstr] = id; // Store text:id } // Done parsing, rebuild sourcefile if needed write(" (%d localization%s)\n", no_of_ids, (no_of_ids==1?"":"s")); if(!sizeof(id_pike_order)) { continue; } if(!args->nocopy) filename += ".new"; // Create new file instead of overwriting write("-> Writing %s (%d new)", filename, sizeof(id_pike_order)); if(!file->open(filename, "cw")) { werror("\n* Error: Could not open %s for writing\n", filename); exit(1); } foreach(id_pike_order, array id) { // Insert ids based on tokens and the now regexp-safe string object(Regexp) RE; // RE = ^(.*TOKEN\( ")(", string \).*)$ RE = Regexp("^(.*" + id[1] + "\\([ \n\t]*)[\"0]*" + "([ ,\n\t]*"+id[2]+"[ \t\n]*\\).*)$"); array hits = RE->split(indata); if(hits) indata = hits[0] + (intp(id[0])?id[0]:"\""+id[0]+"\"") + hits[1]; else { werror("\n* Warning: Failed to set id %O for string %O in %s", id[0], ids[id[0]]->original, filename); if(sizeof(ids[id[0]]->origin)<2) id_xml_order -= ({ id[0] }); } } write("\n"); file->write( indata ); file->truncate( file->tell() ); file->close(); } } void update_xml_sourcefiles(array filelist) { // Extracts strings from html/xml files in filelist // Updates ids, r_ids, id_xml_order with ids and strings // If new ids, updates the sourcefile or a copy foreach(filelist, string filename) { Stdio.File file = Stdio.FILE(); if(!file->open(filename, "r")) { werror("* Error: Could not open sourcefile %s.\n", filename); exit(1); } write("Reading %s", filename); string line = file->gets(); string data = file->read(); file->close(); if(!data && !line) continue; // Check encoding if(!line) line = data; string encoding; sscanf(line, "%*sencoding=\"%s\"", encoding); if(encoding && encoding!="") { function decode = get_decoder(encoding); if(decode && catch( data = decode(data) )) { werror("\n* Error: unable to decode from %O in %O\n", encoding, filename); exit(1); } } else if(line!=data) data = line+"\n"+data; write(", parsing..."); int new = 0; int ignoretag = 0; int no_of_ids = 0; Parser.HTML xml_parser = Parser.HTML(); xml_parser->case_insensitive_tag(1); xml_parser->add_quote_tag("!--", lambda() {return 0;}, "--"); xml_parser-> add_tag("trans-reg", // Check the registertag for the right project lambda(object foo, mapping m) { if(!m->project || m->project=="") { werror("\n * Error: Missing project in %s\n", m->project, filename); exit(1); } if(args->project && m->project!=args->project) ignoretag = 1; // Tags might be from another project else ignoretag = 0; if(!args->project) args->project = m->project; return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("translate", // This is the string container lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(m->project && m->project!="") { if(m->project!=args->project) return 0; // Tag belongs to another project // else correct project, proceed } else // No proj specified if(ignoretag) return 0; // Check if last proj was another string|int id = m->id; if((int)id) id = (int)id; string fstr = c; int updated = 0; if (String.trim_whites(fstr)=="") return 0; // No need to store empty strings no_of_ids++; if(!id || id=="") { if (r_ids[fstr]) id = r_ids[fstr]; // Re-use old id with same string else id = make_id(); // New string --> Get new id // Mark that we have a new id here updated = ++new; } else { // Verify old id if(!ids[id] || (ids[id] && !ids[id]->origin)) { // Remove preread string in r_ids, might be updated m_delete(r_ids, ids[id]); } else { if(ids[id] && ids[id]->original!=fstr) { werror("\n* Error: inconsistant use of id.\n"); werror(" In file:%{ %s%}\n", ids[id]->origin); werror(" id %O -> string %O\n", id, ids[id]->original); werror(" In file: %s\n", filename); werror(" id %O -> string %O\n", id, fstr); exit(1); } } if(r_ids[fstr] && r_ids[fstr]!=id && ids[r_ids[fstr]]->origin) werror("\n* Warning: %O has id %O in%{ %s%}, " "id %O in %s", fstr, r_ids[fstr], ids[r_ids[fstr]]->origin, id, filename); } if(!has_value(id_xml_order, id)) // Id not in xml-structure, add to list id_xml_order += ({ id }); if(!ids[id]) ids[id] = ([]); ids[id]->original = fstr; // Store id:text ids[id]->origin += ({filename}); // Add origin if(String.trim_whites(fstr)!="") r_ids[fstr] = id; // Store text:id if(updated) { string ret="<translate id=\""+id+"\""; foreach(indices(m)-({"id"}), string param) ret+=" "+param+"=\""+m[param]+"\""; return ({ ret+">"+c+"</translate>" }); } // Not updated, do not change return 0; }); xml_parser->feed(data)->finish(); // Done parsing, rebuild sourcefile if needed write(" (%d localization%s)\n", no_of_ids, no_of_ids==1?"":"s"); if(!new) { continue; } data = xml_parser->read(); if(encoding && encoding!="") { function encode = get_encoder(encoding); if(encode && catch( data = encode(data) )) { werror("\n* Error: unable to encode data in %O\n", encoding); exit(1); } } if(!args->nocopy) filename += ".new"; // Create new file instead of overwriting write("-> Writing %s (%d new)", filename, new); if(!file->open(filename, "cw")) { werror("\n* Error: Could not open %s for writing\n", filename); exit(1); } file->write( data ); file->truncate( file->tell() ); file->close(); write("\n"); } } string parse_config(string filename) { // Read config in xml-format and update args([]) and files({}) // Commandline arguments have precedence // Returns name of outfile (ie project_eng.xml) if(!filename || filename=="") return ""; Stdio.File in=Stdio.FILE(); if(!in->open(filename, "r")) return ""; string line = in->gets(); string indata = in->read(); in->close(); if(!indata) return ""; // Check encoding if(!line) line = indata; sscanf(line, "%*sencoding=\"%s\"", string encoding); if(encoding && encoding!="") { function decode = get_decoder(encoding); if(decode && catch( indata = decode(indata) )) { werror("\n* Error: unable to decode from %O in %O\n", encoding, filename); exit(1); } } else if(line!=indata) indata = line+"\n"+indata; string xml_name=""; Parser.HTML xml_parser = Parser.HTML(); xml_parser->case_insensitive_tag(1); xml_parser->add_quote_tag("!--", lambda() {return 0;}, "--"); xml_parser-> add_container("project", // Only read config for the right project, or the // first found if unspecified lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(!m->name || m->name=="") { werror("\n* Projectname missing in %s!\n", filename); exit(1); } if(args->project && args->project!="" && args->project!=m->name) return ""; // Skip this project-tag else args->project = m->name; write("Reading config for project %O in %s\n", args->project, filename); return c; }); xml_parser-> add_container("out", // Set outname (default: project_eng.xml) lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { c = String.trim_whites(c); if(c && c!="") xml_name = c; return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("file", // Add a file to be parsed lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { c = String.trim_whites(c); if(c && c!="") files += ({ c }); return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("encoding", // Set default encoding lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(args->encoding=="") args->encoding = 0; c = String.trim_whites(c); if(c && c!="" && !args->encoding) { args->encoding = c; get_encoder( c ); // Check if known } return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("xmlpath", // Project file path lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(!args->xmlpath) { c = String.trim_whites(c); args->xmlpath = c; } return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("baselang", // Project file path lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(!args->baselang) { c = String.trim_whites(c); args->baselang = c; } return 0; }); xml_parser-> add_container("add", // Block to add to project-xml-files lambda(object foo, mapping m, string c) { if(!m->id || m->id=="") { werror("\n* Missing id in <add> in %s!\n", filename); exit(1); } add[m->id] = c; return 0; }); xml_parser->add_tag("nocopy", // Update the infile instead of creating infile.new lambda(object foo, mapping m) { args->nocopy = 1; return 0; }); xml_parser->add_tag("verbose", // More informative text in xml lambda(object foo, mapping m) { args->verbose = 1; return 0; }); xml_parser->add_tag("wipe", // Remove all id:strings not used in xml anymore lambda(object foo, mapping m) { args->wipe = 1; return 0; }); xml_parser->feed(indata)->finish(); if(xml_name=="") // Try to crate name of outfile if(args->xmlpath && args->baselang) xml_name = replace(args->xmlpath, "%L", args->baselang); else if( args->project) xml_name = args->project+"_eng.xml"; return xml_name; } // ------------------------ The main program -------------------------- int main(int argc, array(string) argv) { // Parse arguments argv=argv[1..sizeof(argv)-1]; for(int i=0; i<sizeof(argv); i++) { if(argv[i][0]!='-') { files += ({argv[i]}); continue; } string key, val = ""; if(sscanf(argv[i], "--%s", key)) { sscanf(key, "%s=%s", key, val); args[key] = val; continue; } args[argv[i][1..]] = 1; } // Get name of outfile (something like project_eng.xml) string xml_name=args->out; // Read configfile string configname = args->config; if(!configname && args->project) configname = args->project+".xml"; string filename = parse_config(configname); if(!xml_name || xml_name=="") if(filename!="") xml_name = filename; else if(args->xmlpath && args->baselang) xml_name = replace(args->xmlpath, "%L", args->baselang); if( (!(xml_name && args->sync && args->xmlpath && args->baselang)) && (!sizeof(files) || args->help) ) { sscanf("$Revision: 1.8 $", "$"+"Revision: %s $", string v); werror("\n Locale Extractor Utility "+v+"\n\n"); werror(" Syntax: extract.pike [arguments] infile(s)\n\n"); werror(" Arguments: --project=name default: first found in infile\n"); werror(" --config=file default: [project].xml\n"); werror(" --out=file default: [project]_eng.xml\n"); werror(" --nocopy update infile instead of infile.new\n"); werror(" --notime don't include dump time in xml files\n"); werror(" --wipe remove unused ids from xml\n"); werror(" --sync synchronize all locale projects\n"); werror(" --encoding=enc default: ISO-8859-1\n"); werror(" --verbose more informative text in xml\n"); werror("\n"); return 1; } // Try to read and parse xml-file mapping xml_data; xml_data = parse_xml_file(xml_name, args->baselang); write("\n"); // Read, parse and (if necessary) update the sourcefiles object R = Regexp("(\.pike|\.pmod)$"); foreach(files, string filename) if(R->match(filename)) update_pike_sourcefiles( ({ filename }) ); else update_xml_sourcefiles( ({ filename }) ); // Save all strings to outfile xml if(!xml_name) if(args->project && args->project!="") xml_name = args->project+"_eng.xml"; else { xml_name = files[0]; sscanf(xml_name, "%s.pike", xml_name); xml_name += "_eng.xml"; } write("\n"); write_xml_file( xml_name, args->baselang, args->encoding || xml_data->encoding, xml_data->data); // Synchronize xmls in other languages if (args->sync) { write("\n"); mapping base_ids = ids; array base_order = id_xml_order; foreach(languagefiles(args->xmlpath, args->baselang), mapping file) { ids = ([]); string enc = parse_xml_file(file->name, file->lang)->encoding; id_xml_order = base_order; mapping old_ids = ids; ids = base_ids; write_xml_file(file->name, file->lang, args->encoding || enc, xml_data->data, old_ids); } } write("\n"); return 0; }