Explore projects
The main repository of the LysKOM client written in Emacs Lisp.
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Ett gammalt ruby-on-rails-projekt för att göra en likviditetsbudget.
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An early private Puppet attempt dating from 2007 and 2008. Of historic interest only.
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An abandoned Ruby on Rails application from 2006 that handled my answering machine. I really liked this, but the voice modem I used to record the incoming messages stopped working.
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Presentationsfiler för en Emacs-uppLYSning som jag tillsammans med Andreas Ehliar och Hans Lundmark höll den 26 januari 2010
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Contributions made by Opera to the Xenofarm project. This repository is used for review of contributions by Opera before they are committed to the main Xenofarm repository.
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Private modifications, not yet merged into the main repo.
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The Puppet recipies used by Ryttargårdskyrkan in Linköping in managing the office network, which includes a number of virtual an physical servers running Nagios, Puppet, arpwatch, backup using lysrdiff, hot standby file servers, redundant syslog, DHCP and DNS servers, and… some services that are actually directly useful to the office workers.
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The main repository of the LysKOM client written in Emacs Lisp.
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