- Aug 14, 2024
Thomas Bellman authored
Clarify that the $ensure parameter to systemd::tmpfiles only affects the config file in /etc/tmpfiles.d itself, not the file or directories specified in that config file.
Thomas Bellman authored
This adds the ability to give per-path parameters when configuring systemd-tmpfiles(8). The $paths parameter to systemd::tmpfiles can now be a hash of hashes, mapping from paths to hashes of parameters overriding the parameters given directly to systemd::tmpfiles, e.g. systemd::tmpfiles { 'smurf': type => 'd', mode => '0750', owner => 'gargamel', paths => { '/run/alldefaults' => {}, '/run/file' => { 'type' => 'f', 'group' => 'smurfs' }, }; } which will generate d /run/alldefaults 0750 gargamel - - f /run/file 0750 gargamel smurfs - in /etc/tmpfiles.d/smurf.conf. The original API, where you specify the $paths parameter as a simple list of paths, or just a single string, is still available, as that is easier to use for many simple cases.
- Aug 11, 2024
Thomas Bellman authored
Running systemd-tmpfiles(8) with the --remove option after modifying the tmpfiles.d configuration, is apparently a bad idea. There are several packages distributing tmpfiles.d entries of type "D" that put critical files in those directories. E.g, Fail2Ban has a type "D" entry for /run/fail2ban. Running 'systemd-tmpfiles --remove' will empty that directory, removing the communication socket located there. it then becomes impossible to get status from the Fail2Ban daemon, or tell it to flush its logs (which lograte(8) does). Thus, change systemd::tmpfiles to use only the --create and --clean options after it has updated config files in /etc/tmpfiles.d.
- Aug 06, 2024
Thomas Bellman authored
This adds a new definition systemd::tmpfiles, for managing config files in /etc/tmpfiles.d, for systemd-tmpfiles(8). The API is a bit limiting, in that while you can give it multiple paths to be written to the same tmpfiles.d config file, they will all share the same type, mode, owner, et.c. Something more flexible would be nice, but I'll need to think about that more. As it is, the API at least works for a common situation, where you only want to manage a single path (typically a directory) at a time. And there are workarounds: you can either specify raw lines/chunks to add to the config file using the 'content' parameter, or you can use multiple resources (which would create one config file per resource, but the semantics is the same). It would be nice to have a slightly higher level API for this, but this will do for now.
- Nov 05, 2023
Thomas Bellman authored
In systemd::unit and systemd::unit_options, support a special syntax in the hash of hashes for specifying comments on sections and on individual options, where the comments get written to the systemd unit file. The syntax is to specify a key with a name prefixed with a hash (#) sign. The comment will be inserted just before the corresponding section or option. For example: options => { 'Install' => { 'WantedBy' => 'multi-user.target' }, 'Service' => { 'ExecStart' => '/bin/true' 'User' => 'laureline', '#User' => "Don't run as Valerian", }, '#Service' => [ "This is a pretty silly service section,", "but we can test\nnewlines in the comment.", ], } will generate [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target # This is a pretty silly service section, # but we can test # newlines in the comment. [Service] ExecStart=/bin/true # Don't run as Valerian User=laureline The idea is to be able to point out subtilities to readers of the generated unit file, so someone looking at a configured system doesn't have to go to the Puppet manifests to understand why something is done in a specific way. I'm not sure how useful this feature is, though. Perhaps users will be satisfied with having normal Puppet comments in the manifest source code, and reading those.
- Apr 22, 2022
Thomas Bellman authored
Use 'contain systemd::daemon_reload' instead of 'include' in the systemd::unit and systemd::unit_options definitions. This allows users to specify their unit/unit_options resources in dependencies, and be sure that systemd has reloaded the new units before they try to use them.
- Oct 04, 2021
Thomas Bellman authored
Mention that systemd::unit and systemd::unit_options automatically includes and notifies systemd::daemon_reload, so users don't have to do that themselves.
Thomas Bellman authored
Have the error messages that unitfile.erb can raise include reference to the resource (type and title) causing the error, so users can find where they made the error.
Thomas Bellman authored
When setting ensure = absent to systemd::unit_options, it doesn't make sense for users to have to specify the options parameter. But it was a mandatory parameter, so they had to. Fix that.
Thomas Bellman authored
In systemd::unit_options, you can prefix an option name with a minus sign (Unicode 002D "hyphen-minus") to "reset" a list option to the empty list, so the new values don't just append to the existing list of values. That makes sense when overriding/supplementing options in earlier unit files, but systemd::unit installs the "main" unit file, the one that is read first, so list options *always* have the empty list as their value when the file is read. We here modify the unitfile.erb template file to see if it is called from systemd::unit or systemd::unit_options, and if the former, it raises an error if it encounters an option name starting with a minus sign. And of course also remove the paragraph describing that beha- viour in the 'options' parameter documentation.
Thomas Bellman authored
This adds a new definition, systemd::unit, for managing unit files in /etc/systemd/system. The content of the unit file can be given as a hash of hashes (like in the systemd::unit_options definition), as a string, or as a path or puppet: URL to a file to copy. Since we use the same ERB template file for formatting the hash of hashes into an ini-style file in both systemd::unit_options and systemd::unit, we have renamed the template file to "unitfile.erb", to be more neutral. The comment at the end mentioning from where the file is managed, now takes the Puppet definition as a parameter, set by the definition.
Thomas Bellman authored
This adds the semi-internal class 'systemd::vars' containing various paths and other constants for use in the rest of the module, so we won't need to repeat ourselves. Currently only contains a single variable, $etcdir, pointing to /etc/systemd/system.
Thomas Bellman authored
The default case in the case switch for the $ensure parameter was incorrectly using the *string* "default" instead of the keyword ``default''. This meant that you did not get an error message if you specified an illegal value for that parameter (unless it happened to be exactly the string "default").
- Mar 27, 2021
Thomas Bellman authored
Thomas Bellman authored
This adds the class 'systemd::daemon_reload', which can be used to tell systemd to re-read its service configuration files.
Thomas Bellman authored
Thomas Bellman authored
Thomas Bellman authored
This will contain a Puppet module for helping managing the systemd(1) init system and systemd service configuration files.