/* rsa.h
* The RSA publickey algorithm.
/* nettle, low-level cryptographics library
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Niels Mller
* The nettle library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The nettle library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with the nettle library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <gmp.h>
#include "nettle-types.h"
/* For nettle_random_func */
#include "nettle-meta.h"
/* Name mangling */
#define rsa_public_key_init nettle_rsa_public_key_init
#define rsa_public_key_clear nettle_rsa_public_key_clear
#define rsa_public_key_prepare nettle_rsa_public_key_prepare
#define rsa_private_key_init nettle_rsa_private_key_init
#define rsa_private_key_clear nettle_rsa_private_key_clear
#define rsa_private_key_prepare nettle_rsa_private_key_prepare
#define rsa_md5_sign nettle_rsa_md5_sign
#define rsa_md5_verify nettle_rsa_md5_verify
#define rsa_sha1_sign nettle_rsa_sha1_sign
#define rsa_sha1_verify nettle_rsa_sha1_verify
#define rsa_md5_sign_digest nettle_rsa_md5_sign_digest
#define rsa_md5_verify_digest nettle_rsa_md5_verify_digest
#define rsa_sha1_sign_digest nettle_rsa_sha1_sign_digest
#define rsa_sha1_verify_digest nettle_rsa_sha1_verify_digest
#define rsa_encrypt nettle_rsa_encrypt
#define rsa_decrypt nettle_rsa_decrypt
#define rsa_compute_root nettle_rsa_compute_root
#define rsa_generate_keypair nettle_rsa_generate_keypair
#define rsa_keypair_to_sexp nettle_rsa_keypair_to_sexp
#define rsa_keypair_from_sexp_alist nettle_rsa_keypair_from_sexp_alist
#define rsa_keypair_from_sexp nettle_rsa_keypair_from_sexp
#define rsa_keypair_to_openpgp nettle_rsa_keypair_to_openpgp
#define _rsa_verify _nettle_rsa_verify
#define _rsa_check_size _nettle_rsa_check_size
/* For PKCS#1 to make sense, the size of the modulo, in octets, must
* be at least 11 + the length of the DER-encoded Digest Info.
* And a DigestInfo is 34 octets for md5, and 35 octets for sha1. 46
* octets is 368 bits, and as the upper 7 bits may be zero, the
* smallest useful size of n is 361 bits. */
#define RSA_MINIMUM_N_BITS 361
/* Size of the modulo, in octets. This is also the size of all
* signatures that are created or verified with this key. */
unsigned size;
/* Modulo */
/* d is filled in by the key generation function; otherwise it's
* completely unused. */
mpz_t d;
/* The two factors */
mpz_t p; mpz_t q;
/* d % (p-1), i.e. a e = 1 (mod (p-1)) */
mpz_t a;
/* d % (q-1), i.e. b e = 1 (mod (q-1)) */
mpz_t b;
/* modular inverse of q , i.e. c q = 1 (mod p) */
mpz_t c;
/* Signing a message works as follows:
* Store the private key in a rsa_private_key struct.
* Call rsa_private_key_prepare. This initializes the size attribute
* to the length of a signature.
* Initialize a hashing context, by callling
* md5_init
* Hash the message by calling
* md5_update
* Create the signature by calling
* The signature is represented as a mpz_t bignum. This call also
* resets the hashing context.
* When done with the key and signature, don't forget to call
* mpz_clear.
/* Calls mpz_init to initialize bignum storage. */
rsa_public_key_init(struct rsa_public_key *key);
/* Calls mpz_clear to deallocate bignum storage. */
rsa_public_key_clear(struct rsa_public_key *key);
rsa_public_key_prepare(struct rsa_public_key *key);
/* Calls mpz_init to initialize bignum storage. */
rsa_private_key_init(struct rsa_private_key *key);
/* Calls mpz_clear to deallocate bignum storage. */
rsa_private_key_clear(struct rsa_private_key *key);
rsa_private_key_prepare(struct rsa_private_key *key);
rsa_md5_sign(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
mpz_t signature);
rsa_md5_verify(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
const mpz_t signature);
rsa_sha1_sign(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
mpz_t signature);
rsa_sha1_verify(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
const mpz_t signature);
/* Variants taking the digest as argument. */
rsa_md5_sign_digest(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
const uint8_t *digest,
mpz_t s);
rsa_md5_verify_digest(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
const uint8_t *digest,
const mpz_t signature);
rsa_sha1_sign_digest(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
const uint8_t *digest,
mpz_t s);
rsa_sha1_verify_digest(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
const uint8_t *digest,
const mpz_t signature);
/* RSA encryption, using PKCS#1 */
/* FIXME: These functions uses the v1.5 padding. What should the v2
* (OAEP) functions be called? */
/* Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, which happens if the
* message is too long for the key. */
rsa_encrypt(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
/* For padding */
void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func random,
unsigned length, const uint8_t *cleartext,
mpz_t cipher);
/* Message must point to a buffer of size *LENGTH. KEY->size is enough
* for all valid messages. On success, *LENGTH is updated to reflect
* the actual length of the message. Returns 1 on success, 0 on
* failure, which happens if decryption failed or if the message
* didn't fit. */
rsa_decrypt(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
unsigned *length, uint8_t *cleartext,
const mpz_t ciphertext);
/* Compute x, the e:th root of m. Calling it with x == m is allowed. */
rsa_compute_root(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
mpz_t x, const mpz_t m);
/* Key generation */
/* Note that the key structs must be initialized first. */
rsa_generate_keypair(struct rsa_public_key *pub,
struct rsa_private_key *key,
void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func random,
void *progress_ctx, nettle_progress_func progress,
/* Desired size of modulo, in bits */
unsigned n_size,
/* Desired size of public exponent, in bits. If
* zero, the passed in value pub->e is used. */
unsigned e_size);
#define RSA_SIGN(key, algorithm, ctx, length, data, signature) ( \
algorithm##_update(ctx, length, data), \
rsa_##algorithm##_sign(key, ctx, signature) \
#define RSA_VERIFY(key, algorithm, ctx, length, data, signature) ( \
algorithm##_update(ctx, length, data), \
rsa_##algorithm##_verify(key, ctx, signature) \
/* Keys in sexp form. */
struct nettle_buffer;
/* Generates a public-key expression if PRIV is NULL .*/
rsa_keypair_to_sexp(struct nettle_buffer *buffer,
const char *algorithm_name, /* NULL means "rsa" */
const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
const struct rsa_private_key *priv);
struct sexp_iterator;
rsa_keypair_from_sexp_alist(struct rsa_public_key *pub,
struct rsa_private_key *priv,
unsigned limit,
struct sexp_iterator *i);
/* If PRIV is NULL, expect a public-key expression. If PUB is NULL,
* expect a private key expression and ignore the parts not needed for
* the public key. */
/* Keys must be initialized before calling this function, as usual. */
rsa_keypair_from_sexp(struct rsa_public_key *pub,
struct rsa_private_key *priv,
unsigned limit,
unsigned length, const uint8_t *expr);
/* OpenPGP format. Experimental interface, subject to change. */
rsa_keypair_to_openpgp(struct nettle_buffer *buffer,
const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
const struct rsa_private_key *priv,
/* A single user id. NUL-terminated utf8. */
/* Internal functions. */
_rsa_verify(const struct rsa_public_key *key,
const mpz_t m,
const mpz_t s);
_rsa_check_size(mpz_t n);