Explore projects
Contributions made by Opera to the Xenofarm project. This repository is used for review of contributions by Opera before they are committed to the main Xenofarm repository.
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Per Cederqvist / ceders-lyskom-server
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe main LysKOM repository.
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Per Cederqvist / lyskom-server-ceder-1616-generations-topgit
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterAn attempt to solve bug 1616 of the lyskom-server, storing the code using TopGit.
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Private modifications, not yet merged into the main repo.
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The Puppet recipies used by Ryttargårdskyrkan in Linköping in managing the office network, which includes a number of virtual an physical servers running Nagios, Puppet, arpwatch, backup using lysrdiff, hot standby file servers, redundant syslog, DHCP and DNS servers, and… some services that are actually directly useful to the office workers.
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Scripts used when converting the source code from CVS to Git.
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The scripts and data files used when converting Xenofarm from CVS to Git.
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This repo contains a test case that reproduces a problem with “git clone” of a busy repository. See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/195756
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Display the PGP trust graph from your key to a particular key, with information about how
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cmod / cmod
OtherThis is cmod, which provides modularized initialization of environment variables such as PATH. Once cmod is installed and configured typing “module add tex” might add /sw/tex/teTeX/bin/sparc-solaris2.5.1 to PATH, /sw/tex/teTeX/man to MANPATH, etc. Cmod provides a way for the system administrator to define module files (such as “tex”) that modify the environment in well-defined ways. It allows the user to select the modules that should be active; the user can also override the modules provided by the administrator.
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A Nagios plugin to check that NIS servers can perform matching. Unlike other similar plugins, this one provides performance data on how fast the lookup is. Written in C, it does not rely on any tools, and can check several servers—even if the host where the plugin runs does not itself use NIS.
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Per Cederqvist / mcwm
BSD Zero Clause LicenseMy fork of mcwm, containing bugfixes and personal configuration changes. See http://hack.org/mc/projects/mcwm/ for the original project.